Flooring repairs: I need to find a flooring specialist in central London to look at and make repairs to an existing altro floor.
Thanks in advance for your help on this.
- John A Hart Contract Flooring, they do a lot of work in Harrods and are an altro recommended flooring specialist – good guys – Neil and Jon
- JONES FLOORING LTD jonesflooringltd@gmail.comWorcestershire – 01386 870981
Can ceda members help direct us to select a suitable CRM system that will help us as a growing business.
Our member is interested in knowing what system most ceda members currently use and what capabilities can be added taking into account the following:
- Easy to use CRM
- Integrates to an accounts system (not necessary but would help)
- Easy allocation of engineers jobs etc.
- We have been using “CLIK” This is an affordable fully maintained and updated system, it also has a remote module to alleviate paper worksheets from the engineers. We have had it for many years but only recently over the last 3 months been using it to its full capability and it is proving very effective.
- We use a system that we have used since 1999 , it has served us well during that time and has grown with us.The system will work from single user right up to multi users and we have now gone all electronic with it so no more paper sheets.The Company is CLIK Limited, they have a very good web site as well , where the demo versions can be viewed.
Their sales contact is Paul Snowdon. Tel: 0117 902 2012
- We use Clik service with integration of Clik Jobs Ipad App for the engineers worksheets. It has all the functions we need for the number of engineers we have currently which is 8.
It has integration with desktop accounts packages such as Sage, with integration with cloud based packages such as quickbooks and xero coming soon (so I am told). - We use a system called Service Director, it uses android handsets as PDA’s and it links into some aspects of Sage accounting.
- We use Jobwatch by Bigchange.
- We use Clik for this very purpose and have settled very well into it. This integrates into Sage for accounting purposes –
I am looking for a ‘roll in’ holding oven single door and double door that will hold at 40-50°c
- FEW from Gambles
Please can you forward to me details of companies providing canopy and ventilation services in the midlands area (ie. Yorkshire, Derbyshire).
- Our sister company Swift Vent can help with this.Ask them to contact me on the numbers below.Grant Shaw CFSP
Group Operations Director
The Swift Group
Mobile: 07769 166 883
Office 0121 505 4001
Fax: 0121 502 2065
- We serve the whole of the UK.Regards,Adrian Church
Tel: 01202 736 999
- A company called Birmingham Catering Equipment contact Mick Soady.
- In relation to your request the company we use for all our canopy and ventilation installations in the Midlands is Corsair Engineering Ltd at Banbury the Managing Director is Arun Sahajpal, the Operations Director is Adrian Levin. Adrian used to be the Operations Director at Britannia Ventilation and between the two they have a tremendous ventilation team at Banbury and cover whole of the Midlands and North towards Scotland.
- C & R Fabrications
5 Waverley Road
S9 4PJTel: 0114 2449502 - Cyclone Ventilation LtdSheet metal contractor in Leeds, EnglandAddress: 5, Whitehall Road Industrial Estate, Ashfield Cl, Leeds LS12 5JB
Phone: 0113 263 2900
- LTS – Leigh tec systems, North Humberside, Andersen Rd, Goole DN14 6UD. Contact Rob Leigh – 01405 752401Cyclone Ventilation Ltd – 5, Whitehall Road Industrial Estate, Ashfield Cl, Leeds LS12 5JB. Contact Chris White – 0113 263 2900
- My best recommendation would be Ian Levin at HVAC, great guys and provide a full turnkey solution.
- Sylvester Keal can supply a full design and install of full commercial kitchens and Canopy, extraction ventilation systems.Email: 01472 352033
Could you ask the members if they know anyone that can sand down a painted 60qt mixer and respray it with food safe white paint?
- USS in Northampton used to do this but im not sure if they still do, worth a try though.
- I was once advised that you could not do this as the paint my end up flaking off and going in the mixing bowl…
- Please contact Dominic of Caterquip on 01733 777778. He refurbishes equipment.
We are looking at specifying an electric 5kg coffee roaster in the ground floor of a 10-storey building. Cannot vent externally due to being listed so has to go to roof.
Manufacturers literature refers to flammable products being given off during the process and very high temperature of the exhaust gasses. Also chaff collection.
Does anyone have any experience of installing these and how the extract system functions safely?
- We have used these in the past from Fracino but re only small.
They do however require ducting due to the smoke as a result of the final roasting process - he issue that your member has is something that I have dealt with before. Ventilation for this type of operation can be achieved but it doesn’t come cheap as the extract duct will most likely need to be fire rated right through the building as well as needing other specialised plant.
Happy to help if I can.Best Regards,Steve Cole.FOODSERVICE VENTILATION CONSULTANTS.
mobile; +44 (0) 7976 912521.
tel; +44 (0) 1635 250558.
Are any of our Members aware of an independent Induction Specialist Engineer, in the south east?
I have a client that is looking for wall mounted stainless steel soap and hand towel dispensers. Any help would be appreciated.
- CED/ tournous.
- Jantex do both of the below, if only few needed they can buy from RB Uropa or direct I’m sure if plenty.
- One of our other customers uses a company called ware wash essentials. They have a good range.
- Franke Sissons used to do some.
- We can supply stainless steel soap and hand towel dispensers. If you could let me know how many of each your customer requires, I would be happy to send a quote over.Kind RegardsSylvester Keal
Tel: 01472 352033
- There’s a company who does all washroom related products – more stainless steel washroom products than you could shake a stick at!
Does any CEDA Member know of anyone who can repair Rorgue catering equipment – with knowledge of the equipment please?
- Trevor Burke of Exclusive Ranges sells Rorgue in the UK.
- TAG Catering Equipment UK Ltd –
- I would suggest that they contact Rorgue directly at to find out if they have any service arrangements in the UK
- Vision Commercial Kitchens have excellent engineers that could look after equipment of this type – Nationwide – so if you wish to discuss this further please contact David Andrews –
- Adrian – 07831686599. He is an engineer that I know has done a lot of Rourge ranges installation and service work and work for me in the past both under exclusive and direct. He may pass you back to Trevor at exclusive ranges.
- They should speak with Steve Hobbs at Grade Cuisine – They work with and have worked with bespoke cooking suites for years and their main technical guy Bob, carries out service and maintenance work across the UK.
Can the membership recommend any project management software that they are happy with?
It needs to be able to manage multiple projects, be able to schedule staff as a resource but for a smaller business so will only need up to 10 user logins. I expect it will be web based but even better if is app based too.
Sorry, there aren’t any answers for this question at the moment, please check back at a later date
- As far as I’m aware we’ve never been asked, if this is through a main contractor could they “piggy back” on their system ?