

I am looking for a fabricator of mechanical dish wash tabling. Just to clarify – this is a roller table but powered.


  1. The image forwarded to me looks like Nordien (now part of Metos) which is distributed in UK by BGL Rieber
  2. Trak Hupfer also do something similar
  3. Rackmaster Limited, Unit 5 Russell Court, Russell Gardens, Shotgate, Wickford, Essex, SS11 8QU. Tel: 01268 730722
  4. Univent Systems.  Exhall, Coventry CV7 9EN. Tel:  02476 367000 and speak to Jeff or Sam.
  5. Birmingham Catering Equipment, Unit 139A Middlemore Industrial Estate, Middlemore Road, Birmingham B21 OAY. Tel: 0121 558 2451
  6. Please contact John Ward – Scobie McIntosh – Email: .
  7. Contact Tony Chamberlin – Stellex – Email: – Mobile: 07730 200 844
  8. One or two members have suggested TRAK but added that they are closed until the new year but their project director, Mark Reynolds can be contacted as follows: Mark Reynolds – Projects Director – Tel: 0151 549 1010 / 07765 403 316 – Email:

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Can anyone recommend a counter-top gas single wok burner. Something similar to the Amicus unit previously distributed by Nayati?


  1. I believe Baron supplied by Universal fse looked at manufacturing one of these.

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I am looking for a supplier of co2 glass frosters. Do you know of anyone that supplies such products. My client is after a roll out for their bars.

Something like the following:


  1. Brewfitt –
  2. Alasdair MacMillan has said ‘I can help with supplier and usage advice if required.’ Please contact him on or 07966 423881

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We are looking for a reliable company or companies who specialise in servicing/cleaning of extract ducts & hoods, and also for kitchen deep cleans.
The contract is UK wide but regional companies would also be of interest.


  1. ceda Service Member ‘Kaitakare Ltd’. Please contact Darren Asson – DD: 01785 716532 option 1 – M:  07973913434 – Email:
  2. ceda Service Member ‘FSW Catering Equipment & Gas Services Ltd’. Please contact Aimee Miller. Email: Tel: 0161 943 0268
  3. We have used Careclean. Website:
    MD is Rajan Bains. Mobile: 07791 671117
  4. We sub out and use a company called Enviroduct and always found them to professional, reliable and great to deal with. Amanda Pearson – Enviro Duct Cleaning North West – Telephone: 01772 428073 – Mobile: 07974 652884 – Email:
  5. I would recommend 100% Nationwide or just for the North: Sue McCarty – Managing Director – Quality Cleaning Company Limited. Email: Mobile: 07896046373
  6. Contact Michael Clarke – Clarke Deep Cleaning Solutions Ltd – Mobile: 07855 584 928 – Tel: 01282 412 020 ‘We use these guys and they are very good and do work nationally’.
  7. I would suggest they contact NAADCUK (National Association of Air Duct Cleaners UK) They have members who work to the highest standards throughout the UK. We worked with them on the solid fuel guide –
  8. Our contacts highly recommend SW Enviro – – Scott Watson is the contact there.

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We’re seeking recommendations towards a certified trade contractor to run steam lines from a steam generator to various (4no.) laundry equipment on a London based project.


  1. It’s a long time since I have been involved with Steam, however the link below are suppliers of steam components and they might be able to guide the member in the right direction –

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I have a client who is looking into food waste composting options. Can I please ask if any members would recommend anyone?


  1. I’ve only used ‘dewatering’ systems rather than composting – I believe IMC do a good one (we bought the dewaterer from them) and they do offer good advice (or they did when I used them – not sure if they’ve still got the same staff).

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Would you be able to ask the ceda members to recommend a company that can do CAD drawings – I have a project which needs drawing in CAD design.


  1. A ceda Member has said ‘Highly recommend ‘Matt Abbott’ who worked for us directly for 8 years and has now set up his own business ‘Endeavour Catering Design and Project Management’. E-mail:  Tel – 07485 632091 
  2. ceda Member ‘Court Catering Equipment Ltd’ has said ‘We have this capability. If they want to get in touch, please let me know’ – Julie Quilter – Email: Tel: 0208 5766500 DDI: 0208 576 6511
  3. ceda Member ‘NWCE Foodservice Equipment’ has said ‘We can help with this if required’ – Ben Odling. Email: Tel: 0161 764 8688
  4. I have been using very efficient and friendly service from Stephen – Stephen Hewitt – Tel: 07773 781944
  5. I recommend James Brettle – Email Tel: 07886788105
  6. Ian Clay is an excellent freelancer with a top shelf CV – he’s their man! Tel: 07884 018113
  8. ceda Member ‘GS Catering Equipment Ltd’ has said ‘We may be able to help with this!’ – Anna Massey. Email: Tel: 01803 528586 Ext. 103
  9. These made contact with me a few months back – Mark Turner – LT Design and Project Management. Dan Lake: 07930 624228, Mark Turner: 07894 055184
  10. ceda Member ‘Kitchequip’ has said ‘I might be able to help with this if the member wants to email me’ – Iain Moir. Email:
  11. I use a freelance guy who helps me out on drawings when required – Can highly recommend – Contact is Alistair Pinder 07753 885310

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Does any member know of a company who can retro fit shutters for a site in Central London? Thank you


  1. I have used a company before called HAG shutters. They are based in Bristol but work nationwide.
    Contact Dave Watts who has always been extremely helpful. Website:
  2. Depending on what sort of shutters there is Syston Doors or Bolton Gate Shutters who do work in London.
  3. Contact: Steve Brownell at Oak Security Systems Ltd. Email:

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I am looking for a Catering Service Company who can do Sota Turbo chefs and similar plus Convection Ovens in North West England – roughly 5 sites.

Also, looking for a Catering Engineer for 3 months + inside / outside M25 Area – Gas & Electric plus Refrigeration useful.  Does anybody know reliable engineers that have been made redundant that might be interested. Thank you.


  1. Marren Group would be their best option.
  2. NWCE Ltd can assist with the maintenance in the North West.
    Please contact NWCE Ltd
    Ben Oddling
    Tel: 0161 764 8688

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We are reading through a contract for a large project just won where we are acting as principle contractor and designer. It is asking for a professional indemnity at £5M held at that level for a period of 12 years.

Would this be considered normal or excessive?


  1. Normal on large government projects.
  2. From our experience its low as we normally have to include £10m cover, just as designer never mind as PC.
  3. That is normal.
  4. If acting as principal contractor then I would say that’s reasonable, but it depends on the total value of the project, most main contractors/principal contractors would hold more like £10 million. If acting as just the kitchen supplier its excessive, we have had £1million PI for the last 15 years and have only just upped it to £2million.
  5. Generally, the insurance levels might vary according to the nature and value of the contract.  We hold £10m PI cover as standard, as this level is required on a high proportion of our design consultancy projects – we wouldn’t view £5m as excessive.
  6. I assume this is to cover the collateral warranty period which can be up to 12 years – may need to check the warranty details etc!
  7. In my experience (particularly within office fit-out and refurbishment), the only excessive part is holding the Professional Indemnity for a period of 12 years. £5m is not abnormal as it very much depends on the size of projects. Most employers will accept a temporary increase in PI for the duration of the project so that the specific project is covered. This means the ceda member can pay their insurer a one-off premium to increase the cover.
  8. We were recently asked for 10m for 12 years and then after some negotiation, we were asked for 5 years, which I still felt disproportionate to the size of the project, which I am still in ongoing discussions about. This was for a global company and apparently this is standard for all of their projects. It doesn’t appear to be standard across the board and in my personal opinion it is excessive when you look at the cost of the insurance policy over that period in relation to the project.
  9. £5m PI isn’t excessive but having to hold it for 12 years is both excessive and highly unusual (I’ve literally never seen it and it makes no commercial sense to have that as a criteria).  Unless it’s a typo, certainly worth challenging.
  10. Depends on the value of the overall contract but not excessive
  11. We were faced with this for a £500k contract & have examined the necessity of Professional Indemnity on a number of occasions. There is no aspect of the design work which we do which falls into these requirements. In itself the premium is not unaffordable but as your member is aware that has to continue for 12 years. The danger is that if a claim arises for any aspect of the contract, the Main Contractor will make a blanket claim over all the sun-contractors carrying the cover even if not related to spread the risk to themselves. That advice was given to me by a senior insurance professional & we negotiated ourselves out of it & stood our ground. We asked what aspects of our design they needed cover on & no one was able to come up with anything. It was established that we were a specialised supplier. My advice would be to get a copy from your broker of a PI policy, go through it carefully & see if any of it is applicable to your scope of work
  12. Yes, this is normal. In fact we hold £10 million which is normal for contracts these days.
  13. I’d say in part in depends on the size of the overall contract, what elements have they designed, just kitchens or building as well, and what’s the project value? Our usual level is lower than this and at times we’ve had to argue over levels of PI, currently doing a £440k project where we’ve been asked for £10m PI which is absurd, and we’ve told them so.
  14. Can you tell the member that we had to have professional indemnity cover for £2 million, not specified for any length of time, when we were accepted onto a National framework for turnkey projects. There was no upper limit on the value of those projects.
    I hope that helps. The insurance is very expensive!
  15. Unfortunately, we used to be able to do this type of contract based on £2m, but in 2019 the norm became £5m.  In fact, we are finding that an increasing number of clients are asking for £10m, which makes the cost of the premiums on £5m look like they are good value! Around 50% of our turnover is D&B, so we automatically renew our PI cover annually.
    If this project is a one off for this ceda member, it will be difficult to justify the cost of 12 years premiums.  In those circumstances we would be looking to raise the price of the contract to cover the difference between £2m and £5m of cover for 12 years.

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