

We are wanting to launch an e commerce website, for sundries, light equipment etc. As it’s a brand new venture for us I am wondering if any members have any recommendations of what works, companies they have used etc.


  1. North West design studios are great, wealth of experience in this sort of thing as well. Contact Email: Tel: 07764253893

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I have a client looking for a 5-6cm cubed ice machine. Can anyone recommend a manufacturer. Thank you. 


  1. Contact Hoshizaki
  2. We would recommend a Hoshizaki – model IM65-NE-HC-LM. Big Cube (XXL) dimensions 48mm x 48mm x 58mm. This is a specialist unit with a lead time of 6 – 8 weeks. The only `down side` to this larger cube machine is the production is 40kg in 24hrs with a bin capacity of 26kg. Estimated cost (delivery only) £3600.00 + vat.
  3. Hoshizaki are great units.
  4. Contact Maidaid-Halcyon. Simon Wale – Mobile:  07860 854083. Email:

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Could you please recommend a good service management software package to use for planned maintenance contracts and service work etc?


  1. We have been successfully using a product called FSM (Field Service Management) supplied by a company called Gabriel Scientific Consultancy for the last 11 years. Aside from PPM & Service work it also has facilities for managing project works (supply & install equipment) too. Contact number 0161 443 1000
  2. We have used Simpro for about 5 years, excellent once you get it working your way.
  3. Jobwatch by Bigchange
  4. We use a company called Big change very good system.
  5. I was speaking to a contractor last week who says they are successfully using Big Change.
  6. Big Change of Leeds is the system we use, and it is very good.

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Could anyone please advise who the UK distributor is for panimatic bakery equipment?


  1. The UK distributor is Beam Baking. 01733 553320. Based in Peterborough
  2. ceda Member ‘Scobie Equipment Limited’ have said ‘Scobie can help with Bakery equipment – we provide all makes.’ Please contact John Ward – Tel: 07918 690 275. Email:
  3. Take a look at Panimatic (
  4. BEAM Baking Systems Ltd.
    Unit 4-5 Barnack Business Park
    Sabre Way
    PE1 5EJ
    T: 01733 553320
    M: 07887 546423
    Contact: Andrew Nightingale
  5. Beam BAKING. Tel: 01733 553320

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We have a project being installed towards the end of the month that has lots of Stainless Steel Fabrication included, unfortunately our Fabricators that we use have now been told to self- isolate which has completely put back the production of our order in turn meaning we will not be able to meet our clients deadline unless we can source another fabricator. Location: Portsmouth area. Can anyone help?


  1. Please contact Greg Swift – at C&C Catering Fabrications Ltd.
  2. Contact Steve Parkin – at Holmes Catering Equipment Solutions.
  3. Please contact John Ward – at Scobie Equipment Ltd.
  4. Suggestion from a ceda Member – Ask them to give Jack at Parry Catering a call.

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I have been asked by a customer for the following:

150 litre Electric or Induction Boiling Pan
Double Jacket
Automatic Fill
Free Standing

Could you see if anyone knows of anything suitable, please.


  1. We are the agent for the following boiling pans and currently supply into food production and hospitality –
    Amjad Alikhan – General Catering Ltd
    Website: Email: Tel: 01302 340742
  2. Contact Electrolux
  3. I would point them to Electrolux or Garland – They don’t do 150 litre, slightly under or over.
  4. Firex or metos
  5. I think BGL Reiber will be able to help
  6. Falcon do a large range of these products.
  7. Contact John Ward – Scobie Equipment Ltd (ceda Member) Tel: 07918 690275. Email:
  8. Please contact Lee Howard – CKS (National) Ltd (ceda Member) Tel: 0333 207 2557 Email:

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Can you ask the group if anyone knows where to source parts and technical advice for GICO Fryers?


  1. ceda Member ‘Modo Commercial Kitchen Design’ have said ‘That will be Modo as we are the UK Gico distributor  Please pass Katie’s email to the client and I’m sure we can order up the parts and send tech info
    Office: 01484 852 350 Website:
  2. First Choice and AS Catering list parts, could be a starting point.
  3. Contact GEV – looks like they are still supplying Gico parts. Try via Commercial catering spares who can utilise the technical team in Germany.

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We are looking for a UK supplier with stock of the following or something similar –


  1. Die-Pat might be worth a try
  2. Take a look at
  3. If it’s Dormont then I think the best route is via Mechline as they supply the Dormont hoses – If they haven’t got that part in the UK then perhaps they can source it – or FCCS might be able to get it from the USA as I think that’s where Dormont they are based?

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Can anyone recommend a reliable 24hr, 7-days-a-week, out-of-hours service partner? They will need to cover all catering equipment including gas and refrigeration. Our current provider has downsized and can no longer offer this service. Ideally nationwide including Scotland if possible – we have sites throughout the Mainland.


  1. ceda Member ‘NWCE’ – contact Ben Odling Tel: 0161 764 8688
  2. We use Aire Valley Catering – James Needham. Tel: 01904 607048 or 07710 021137
  3. ceda Member ‘GastroNorth’ can assist in the North East. Please contact – Eddie Caywood Mob | 07889 361 966 – T: 0191 4615 328 e: w:
  4. Total QSR offer that service. Contact: Joanne Herridge – 01225 791848 / 07740247531
  5. ceda Member ‘Brodale Catering Equipment Ltd’ can help. Contact: James Smith (Director): 07590 443237 Office: 01623 740047. We are based in Nottinghamshire but we offer a nationwide service, electrical, gas, refrigeration – supply, maintenance, repair and installation.
  6. ceda Member ‘Vision Commercial Kitchens’ have asked that you contact David Andrews via or 07738 107281
  7. ceda Member ‘Catering Supplies & Repairs would be happy to help. Please contact Joanne Hamilton – via T: 01324 552601 (Option 1)  or  E:

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We have a project coming up in Northern Ireland and are looking to make contact with a fabrication company to see if fabricating counters and benches etc will be cheaper locally rather than shipping. Do any ceda companies have a factory over there or have any recommendations please?


  1. We use JD catering in Northern Ireland for some help on the install side, they may be able to assist with some local knowledge.
  2. We work closely with Caterfab who undertake a range of fabrications including canopies, tables, countes etc and do a great job. Contact details: Caterfab, 8 Cladytown Road, Glarryford, Ballymena, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT44 9HB. Tel: 028 2568 5640 Email: Web:
  3. We’re also happy for you to forward on our company details as well as we could provide engineering expertise nationwide for Northern Ireland. Regards, Jack Hood at ceda Member company ‘CE-Tech’. Email: Website:

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