
We have been asked by a customer to quote for a new salting chiller room. Location: Lancaster. We are thinking we could organise the cold room then just buy measured salt walls however we would appreciate your recommendations/suggestions. Thank you.


  1. I’m sure they’ve already heard of this company – but I think they operate in ambient rather than chilled environment (as that’s the way the meat is preserved). The London restaurants use these with all the lighting etc as you come in – I’ve never heard of a salted chilled room – but there is always a first!
  2. Green Cooling House. Contact: David Blinkhorn​. Email:
    David has said ‘we have carried out a lot of things like this over the years, we can certainly do what you require & we are based in Preston also. Please feel free to contact me 24/7 should you need our help. My mobile is 07748 117113.’
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