ceda’s Adam Mason reveals trade bodies’ coronavirus assistance strategy
ceda’s Adam Mason reveals trade bodies’ coronavirus assistance strategy
In an exclusive video interview with Clare Nicholls at Catering Insight, ceda’s Director General Adam Mason discusses how the cross-sector working group also encompassing FEA, Cedabond and ENSE is fighting the UK catering equipment industry’s corner in the face of the coronavirus crisis…
Members Connected Webinars
Members Connected Webinars
A number of Members have suggested that they would like the opportunity to talk with other Members on a hosted video call to discuss the challenges that they are currently experiencing, the actions that they have taken and how they see the future. We have piloted a couple of video calls and they have proven to be very valuable to those that have taken part.
We have therefore launched Members Connected, a series of video calls which bringing together ceda Members to share experiences, current operations and future thoughts.
The following events have been scheduled with more to follow:
- Tues 21st April, 10am
- Weds 22nd April, 10am
If you would like to be involved and participate in these video calls please contact the ceda office and we will distribute a schedule to you.
Please note, even members of staff who have been furloughed can take part in these learning, education and development activities, so do share this email with your teams.
Sprint Group support Caprice Holdings in a charity initiative to provide thousands of cooked meals across the UK
Sprint Group support Caprice Holdings in a charity initiative to provide thousands of cooked meals across the UK
Richard Caring, Caprice Holdings, has personally thanked ceda Member Sprint Group, for their support in providing thousands of cooked meals throughout the country.
Caring, Chairman of Caprice Holdings which owns and runs The Ivy chain of restaurants, sent his personal message of thanks to a number of organisations, including Sprint director Ross Ryan, after Sprint Group worked alongside ceda Platinum Partner, Rational, to support the charitable initiative. Sprint Group, run by brothers Ross and Luke Ryan, is based in Pershore, Worcestershire. Sprint is an award-winning company that designs, installs and maintains commercial catering equipment throughout the UK.
Spearheaded by The Ivy Collection; Birley, Caprice, Troia and Bill’s, aided by Ross and Luke’s generosity, the groups have come together to distribute thousands of meals for those in need. This week, 26,000 cooked meals will be provided across the UK and the group will deliver London hospitals with an additional 7,000 cold meals.
Caring, who runs The Caring Foundation, said: “Thank you! Thank you! I’m so very thankful and grateful to be associated with such amazing people. Stay safe and all very best wishes.”
Sprint Group recently announced that it had temporarily closed its office doors but would remain open for business to support key sectors like hospitals, schools, colleges and care homes nationwide.
The Group are specialists in design, projects and equipment for the foodservice, catering and hospitality industry and supply high performance commercial kitchen, bar, refrigeration and ventilation equipment to the NHS, schools and colleges nationwide, along with well-known eateries which have recently had to shut down due to the Covid-19 outbreak. However, with the help of initiatives like those from Richard Caring and The Ivy Collection, Sprint Group have ensured that vital services and equipment are still available for key sectors across the UK including ambulance crews and NHS frontline staff.
Ross says: “We vowed to do everything possible to keep our services running to ensure that the key sectors fighting to keep our country running have what they need, and we have. It’s a pleasure to support Richard and the Caring Group with their initiative.”
Ross continues: “We extend our offer to anyone in need of help with catering equipment to support amazing efforts like Richard’s, The Ivy Collection and The Caring Foundation. If you think Sprint
Group can help, please let us know.”
To learn more about Richard Caring and The Caring Foundation, go to: http://thecaringfoundation.org/ or to take Ross up on his offer, please call the Sprint team on 01386 555922.
Update on how we're supporting the Foodservice Equipment Industry
Update on how we’re supporting the Foodservice Equipment Industry
Please see below some updated details that you may find useful at this time.
If you need any support further to the below then do please contact us directly.
We continue to communicate with Government Departments stating our case for the introduction of further and increased measures to support our Members and our Industry.
We have this week written and spoken to the Chancellor, Treasury and BEIS with the following requests:
- Recognise that once the hospitality industry reopens, they will need a strong supply-chain to support their re-emergence and return to growth and profitability
- In order to achieve this, we need measures that have been introduced to support the hospitality, leisure and retail sectors extended to the supply-chains – specifically a) business rates holidays for 6-12 months and b) access to cash grants rather than loans – and with immediate effect
- Those businesses with Insurance policies that include cover for ‘notifiable diseases’ should be paid out for business interruption when their businesses have been directly affected by Coronavirus C0VID-19.
- Build UK – we continue to work with Build UK to support Members who are working in the Construction Industry. We have supplied information that is included on their dedicated Coronavirus webpage that is very comprehensive. Information includes; up to date Government Guidance, support available to business, guidance on contractual issues caused by Coronavirus and an essential worker template letter amongst much more. It is a comprehensive directory of information and valuable whether you work in the construction sector or not – https://builduk.org/coronavirus/
Business Support
- We have put in place an Emergency HR Support Service which every Member can use – details have been sent in previous emails but if you require information just ask. One hour of free telephone and email support is available to ceda Members.
- We have issued a number of HR Updates, Guidance Documents and Template Policies and we will continue to develop this where appropriate – if you require anything additionally, please ask.
- We have delivered 2 x HR Support Webinars this week that have been very well received by those that have participated – we are happy to run more next week if there is demand – just let us know.
- We have produced a number of technical documents relating to the outbreak, including;
- Guidance for Catering Operators: Commercial Dishwashers and E coli O157
- Guidance Document No.16: Safe Rinse Temperatures in Commercial Dishwashers
- Guidance Document No.27: Chemical Disinfection
- Guidance Document No. 30 – Decommissioning a Commercial Kitchen
Again, if there are other areas we could focus on to support you, let us know.
We recognise that our engagement with people will be important in the coming days and weeks and as such, that will be an area of focus for us.
- We will be launching a series of webinars to include past Conference speakers and other third parties delivering online business presentations and sessions with ceda Members and Partners
- We have written to ceda Partners to see who would like to host sales/service/technical videos on their equipment – we are collating this and will send out details next week
- We have a Members Only LinkedIn Group – if you would like to be added, please ask
- There is an Industry WhatsApp Group that has been set up by a ceda Member that we are happy to promote and be a part of – again if you would like to be involved just ask
- We will launch ‘Members Connected’ Video calls which will allow Members to talk to each other about their own experiences, thoughts, views and hep support each other through this time.
As none of the above is within the realms of anyone’s normal working life and is not compulsory, you will be able to extend an invitation to furloughed workers to participate should they wish.
We are working hard to be a positive force, a community and provide information, support and guidance. If you need anything more from us, please ask and if we can deliver it then we will.
HR Support Webinars
HR Support Webinars
To support Members during the COVID-19 crisis, we are running a series of HR Support Webinars, with the following timings available.
These will cover an overview presentation followed by questions and answers.
If you would like to participate, please contact the ceda office ASAP as numbers will be limited to 6 per session:
- 1st April – 10am-11am and 3pm-4pm
- 3rd April – 10am-11am and 3pm-4pm
If necessary, we will announce further dates for further sessions next week.
DCE Coronavirus Procedures and Contingency
Dear All,
This letter aims to update you on our preparations in response to the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Updates from the Department for Education, Liverpool Council and Public Health England have been used as a basis for our planning. We recognise that people will understandably be concerned at this time, therefore, we just want to reassure you that DCE is monitoring the situation closely, is in regular contact with relevant authorities and has comprehensive plans in place.
Day to Day Response
We are encouraging all of our staff to follow Public Health guidance and keep high levels of personal hygiene; this includes making sure that we are directing staff to sanitise/wash their hands:
o before leaving home
o on arrival at DCE/site
o after using the toilet
o after breaks
o before eating any food, including snacks
o before leaving DCE/site
DCE Staff have been issued hand sanitiser to use throughout the day and can refill container at any time at the DCE premises.
Our standard cleaning processes at DCE will continue but we are also taking extra precautions within our cleaning arrangements and making sure that frequent contact points such as door handles are cleaned more regularly. We have plans in place to provide an enhanced or deep clean quickly as and when required.
We are supporting our staff to have good hygiene habits and follow the recommended ‘Catch it, kill it, Bin it’ approach.
Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19
The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:
new continuous cough and/or
high temperature
For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild infection
Generally, these infections can cause more severe symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, older people, and those with long-term conditions like diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease. There is no evidence that children are more affected than other age groups – and it is important to remember that very few cases have been reported in children so far.
If you or a family member present with these symptoms, the advice of health professionals is to self-isolate for 7 days. Guidance on https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-at-home-guidance-for-people-with-confirmed-or-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection
After 7 days, if anyone is still unwell, then seek medical advice using NHS 111 online. If you have no internet access call NHS 111. If symptoms worsen during your self-isolation, seek prompt medical advice.
We will communicate either face-to-face, on the telephone, or by email. We may also post updates on our Facebook page – please ensure you are following us ‘DCE Engineers’. Notices will be displayed around our premises – usually near the front entrance or on the front door, to ensure you are kept up to date with any changes.
Whilst these measures are in place, DCE Engineers will carry out all works in full PPE/Protective clothing, gloves, shoe covers, face masks etc as per Public Health England Guidelines.
Please rely only on information given directly from us here at DCE.
Planning in Place:
An important part of our preparations is making sure that we have contingency plans for a variety of scenarios, including a temporary closure if instructed to do so by Public Health England. Currently, we have planned for 3 separate scenarios:
1. Instruction from the Government to close for a specified period of time:
There are currently no plans or instructions from the Government for closure. This is a fluid situation at present – therefore we are following reviewed protocol daily as it is updated and shared. Should closure be instructed for any period of time, we will ensure that all service users are informed and given as much notice as is possible in such instance.
2. Instruction to implement social distancing and limit the contact of groups of people:
DCE has already begun to implement this protocol, to minimize contact at DCE/site. We also ask that staff and customers use the hand sanitizer provided.
3. Continuation of service:
We have in place agreements with our bank for continued support, if required, to enable continuation of service through this difficult time. Government assistance indicated over the last couple of days will also assist us to ensure continued support for our customers.
We hope that implementing such plans will not be necessary, but we will always make decisions with the needs, health and welfare of staff and customers first.
Thank you for your continued support and your understanding in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Brendan Doyle
Sprint Group Are Here To Help With Any Essential Services
Sprint Group Are Here To Help With Any Essential Services
Sprint Group will close its office doors but remain open for business to support key sectors like hospitals, schools and colleges nationwide.
The Group are specialists in design, projects and equipment for the foodservice, catering and hospitality industry and supply high performance commercial kitchen, bar, refrigeration and ventilation equipment to the NHS, schools and colleges nationwide, along with well-known eateries which have, of course, recently shutdown due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
The Sprint team are now making final plans to work from home and remain running the business as usual to ensure vital services are still available for those in key sectors across the UK.
Director Ross Ryan vows:
“We will do everything possible to keep our services running to ensure that the key sectors fighting to keep our country running have what they need, whilst ensuring that safety comes first and remaining mindful of the impact on our team. We’re working hard and keeping in constant contact with our NHS contacts to ensure they have what they need in these extremely trying times.”
Ross continues: “Our sights are firmly set on the future, with some exciting announcements to make in due course, but the Sprint team are rightly taking the time to concentrate on the matters in hand right now.”
If you need support to keep your food service equipment running please call the team on 01386 555922.
Diversification, Making the Most of It
Diversification, making the most of it.
Turning your restaurant into a delivery service.
During these adverse times with the Covid-19 virus now prevalent, some foodservice customers are venturing out on a new path, for example turning their restaurant into a home delivery service for their customers’ favourite dishes.
“Many of our customers have reacted quickly and flexibly to the new situation,” says Adam Knights, Marketing Director UK at ceda Platinum Partner, Rational. “Their kitchen equipment can support them with this.” With the SelfCookingCenter combi-steamer, chefs can grill, roast, bake, steam, stew, blanch or poach. It provides the help any kitchen team would wish for; it cooks quickly, is easy to use, provides the specified food quality, whilst saving money, time and energy. The unit enables chefs to quickly react to any changes, for example regarding the dishes on offer, without having to change their kitchen equipment.
Changing to a delivery service means different working hours. People who are now at home are not dependant on certain times of the day. Restaurants should adapt to this and be able to deliver fresh food even at 11 o’clock at night. Knights explains further: “Using the SelfCookingCenter you are able to conveniently pre-produce and finish preparing the required amount of food as needed ready for delivery.” Dishes are arranged on a plate or a take-away box and brought to serving temperature in the SelfCookingCenter.
The process is easy, as pre-production shows. The unit offers intelligent solutions: the SelfCookingCenter features cooking processes which run overnight, such as for large roasts or braised dishes. The chef loads the meat into the unit in the evening to find a perfectly tender roast the next morning, it’s then chilled and finished to order.
With Efficient CareControl, the combi-steamer will automatically clean and descale itself and also do this unsupervised overnight and will always keep the unit hygienically clean and perfectly maintained. “These processes save time and manpower,” explains Knights. An important competitive advantage, especially when more and more people are absent from work due to sickness and additional cover is needed fast. Just because the restaurant’s door has to remain closed, this doesn’t have to mean the kitchen does.
Operators can be rest assured that as far as it is practicable it is business as usual with Rational, offering next day delivery and installation on the full range of their equipment. The market leading catering equipment manufacturer has UK based stock and production continues at its German headquarters. Operators can find their local accredited DEAL dealer partner on the website: rational-online.com
The national network of accredited Rational Service Partners are working as normal during this current situation. They have conducted their own individual Covid-19 risk assessments and have taken necessary precautions to protect their staff and customers. Customers can contact a local RATIONAL Service Partner directly to arrange service work. Find your local Service Partner on the website: rational-online.com
Customers with questions on preparation methods, settings and cooking paths, are welcome to contact ChefLine: 07743 389863 and speak with a Rational chef who can advise on the cooking systems.
Customers wishing to find out how Rational appliances can help support their business contact +44 1582 480388
Creating New Business Opportunities: Letter to Gavin Williamson
Creating New Business Opportunities: Letter to Gavin Williamson
ceda, cedabond, ENSE and FEA have sent a joint request letter to Gavin Williamson MP, suggesting how the Government can increase their industry support and provide new business opportunities for our sector.
It calls on the Government to release the post-April Schools procurement funding early.
We ask that all Members support this important initiative.
Click here to download a copy of the letter.
Call for Government Support for the Foodservice Equipment Industry
Call for Government Support for the Foodservice Equipment Industry
We are living in unprecedented times.
All businesses in our sector are facing enormous challenges and now more than ever the requirement for a consolidated, unified voice is imperative.
It is the correct and responsible approach for ceda, Cedabond, ENSE and FEA to combine knowledge, resource and efforts in best representing and informing our sector.
We will form a cross-sector working group that will speak daily:
- To ensure that the entire Industry is represented to all relevant bodies (Governmental and other) at this time
- To disseminate to Members the correct advice, guidance and support on all matters relating to the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak
- To engage with the operator sector to ensure that we are fully aware of their current situation and where we can offer support
The position paper, which can be downloaded below, has been sent and will be lobbying the relevant and necessary Government Departments, bodies and agencies in order to best represent you at this time.
If you have any questions, thoughts or ideas that will enhance our efforts then please contact Adam Mason.
Click here to download the position paper.