Winterhalter Ltd: What’s the right size of dishwasher?
Size matters when it comes to specifying a dishwasher. However, making the right choice for any given situation is an expert job. Now the warewashing gurus at Winterhalter have put together their latest ‘Blue Paper’, giving initial advice on how to choose the size of machine you need.
A quality machine, such as a Winterhalter, will be able to cope with a whole range of cuisines – however sticky the sauces – and its performance can be tweaked to cope with factors such as local water conditions. So the key specification issues to consider are the type and size of machine you require.
The Blue Paper on Machine Sizing is available to download for free from the advice page at It covers ‘the five golden considerations’ – peak power; capacity; number of meals; typical place setting; and the biggest items to be washed. It also looks at other points to consider, such as planning the dishwash area, and gives some sizing examples.
Broadly speaking there are three types of dishwasher, undercounter machine, pass-through or hood models, and conveyor systems. “For the purpose of this Blue Paper, we’re concentrating on sizing dishwashers,” says Glenn Roberts, head of sales at Winterhalter UK. “That’s because glasswashers tend to be easy to specify. Often they are undercounter models, and their size is determined by the size of the physical hole they need to fill, or by the rack size.
“Getting the right size of dishwasher has a huge impact on any food operation,” he adds. “It can affect staff morale, table turnaround and ultimately contribute towards the bottom line. We hope this Guide will help operators who are unsure how to make the right choice.”
Winterhalter’s Blue Papers give advice on a range of warewashing areas, including energy saving and maintenance. Find them via the advice tab on the Winterhalter UK home page.
Winterhalter provides a total solution for dishwashing and glasswashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance, with sustainability fitted as standard. Alongside its market-leading dish washers and glass washers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, and cleaning detergents and rinse aids. For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, visit or email