The Offensive Weapons Bill

This draft bill, whilst well intentioned, will make it impossible for self-employed tradesmen to have bladed tools delivered to their residence which means that online retailers will not be able to send chef’s knives through their usual postal delivery methods. A petition has been started to try to change the bill.

CESA have highlighted the following and asked us to inform our members:

After numerous representations to the Home Office and Metropolitan Police offering multiple solutions that will reduce availability of blades to those who wish to use them as weapons, the Government have persisted with a misinformed proposal which is at best misguided and at worst dangerous.

This draft new law will make it impossible for self-employed tradesmen to have bladed tools delivered to their residence, hobbyists to acquire specialist tools that over-the-counter retailers could not justify stocking and furthermore, it contravenes the human rights of the house bound and the infirm unable to travel to bricks and mortar shops.

On behalf of our industry, CESA appeal to you not just to sign this petition but to also write to your MP to ask that they support the removal of Section 15.

Please click the link below to sign the petition

“Remove article 15 of the Offensive Weapons Bill (HC Bill 232)”