
We are pricing a central London based kitchen/pantry refurbishment job which will be taking place over the summer on a 5-6 week contract period.

We will need to take on the role of Principal Contractor and therefore have full responsibility of the site with a full time working site manager for the duration, to oversee the overall job including our own sub-contractors and client specified specialist subbies for fire alarms, ventilation systems etc.

Can any member recommend either a freelancer capable of undertaking this role or an agency who has suitably reliable/qualified staff whom we can go through to find a candidate.


  1. I would caution anyone taking on the roles of PC and or PD unless they have the right policies and systems in place especially around PQQ and demonstrating competency. I would advise the member to talk to Tim Knowles in the first instance who will be able to assist in both advising them and in also doing the role/roles. Tim can be contacted via Email:
    Tel: 01780 755 751 Website:
  2. We work for a company based in Manchester who use a chap based in the South for their London works. His name is David Ford he has been around the industry for a long time. Tel: 07917 696720
  3. I can recommend Mark Laxton who has undertaken similar work for our company. He is available via Email:
  4. Doug’s Perea’s details (for the project manager) are: Email: I have not used Doug but have him on record to contact if I need him.
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