I have an enquiry for a Twin Tank Height Adjustable Fryer. Can you see if the members have come across such a product, please.
1. These do one that fit the requirements:×20-litres-24kW-Adexa-THE7F1818M?language=en¤cy=GBP&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiArfauBhApEiwAeoB7qOoOqYyZboVozMoADRNB2RKLaxLAo4e_oGdVTPC1fniUQhOwvpeVeRoC5DIQAvD_BwE
2. Maybe use a drop in fryer ( Valentine / FriFri ) and set into a height adjustable bench ( EAIS / Craven ).
3. Does not seem viable to me.