
We are designing a basement kitchen in central London with extremely tight access. Are any members aware of any flat pack refrigeration products (upright and counter fridges) that may be suitable? Thank you.


  1. I know Valera do a range of flat pack upright and counter refrigerated cabinets. Single, double and triple uprights. 2, 3 and 4 door counters.
  2. Desmond from Middleby.
  3. Only people that I know of now are Valera, others used to but don’t seem to any longer. Clearly whilst Valera are a good company, they won’t be the same quality as a Precision or other similar brands.
  4. Desmond refrigeration Via Middleby does flat pack units.
  5. I think that Valera do a range where the compressor section comes off, and I know you can take the compressor section out of a William’s counter. But to be honest if you spoke to a refrigeration company then am sure they could come without the compressors etc… which to be honest is the weight on these things.
  6. Happy to assist. Both Fosters and Valera do flat packed refrigeration. Please pass on my details: Geoff Edwards – Ceba Solutions (ceda Member). Email: Mobile: 07483 414158
  7. Very niche! Found these (not UK) but may be able to ship to UK – not sure! At least there are companies who do that kind of thing!
  8. Not 100% sure, but I felt DESMOND refrigeration from the MIDDLEBY group, can be purchased as self-assembly option.
  9. I would look at coldrooms as with a basement it will also mean high temperatures, so I’d go remote application. I’ve not seen the site but I’d give careful consideration to adding heat source to a basement.
  10. I believe Valera do flat pack uprights & counters.
  11. Valera offer these – P32 of their new catalogue.
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