
Our Client has requested a fish tank in his kitchen for live fish. Would any of the members be able to assist in finding a supplier in the UK for this?
We are also looking for a UK supplier for a drop in Jet Spray Rinse & drip tray for washing cocktail shakers, similar to that at


  1. CEDA Member ‘Brighton Catering Supplies’ on 01273 358535 can supply the Jug washer. For the fish tank, try Aquatic Design 020 7580 6764.
  2. CEDA Member ‘GastroNorth’ on 0191 414 2882 can provide bespoke drip trays and glass rinse units
  3. Try Brewfit  – – they have all the various options available
  4. Aquariums not my forte however we do use these in cocktail bars and fit into fabrication to refresh glasses
  5. CEDA Member ‘Modo Commercial Kitchen Design’ can help with the glass refresher & drip tray. Tel: 01484 852350
  6. The glass rinsers, we have purchased from America – with the usual associated issues. One item to be aware of during install is water pressure – will need a pressure reducing valve (also if water pressure too low they do continually weep) and back flow prevention.
  7. Jaguar Espresso Systems offer a range of glass rinsers.
  8. We have a couple of sources for the glass rinser : and also from: Jaguar Espresso Systems, 0118 959 9204 (page 74 of their catalogue)

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