

We are considering issuing our engineers with hoodies rather than the jackets they have had for years. Have any other companies issued hoodies to their engineers? And if so, do they have anything in place in regard to the hood and cords being a snag hazard? For example, working on mixers etc? I’m sure someone somewhere will have a risk assessment for hood laces.


1. They could always take the cord out – or shorten them!

2. I have worked in H&S for over 25yrs. Previously I worked in the printing industry, this involved working close to moving parts including rollers/chains/conveyers etc that were in movement when working on.
Dangling items of any kind can pull you into a machine if parts are moving. No loose clothing, chains around necks or other dangling items were permitted on safety grounds and the staff understood why.
If the Engineers will be anywhere near moving parts within machines, then for me this is 100% not a good idea. Also consider that many Engineers are lone working and cannot rely on others working nearby to help then turn off the machine in a timely manner.
It would only take one incident, near miss etc to happen and immediately this would have been deemed a very bad idea, and one incident is one too many.

3. All our field guys and office staff all wear hoodies, and to be honest the issue has never come up, especially in the scenario mentioned. A couple of our guys simply pulled the laces out of theirs as they irritated them which wasn’t a problem.

4. I have an engineer who will only wear a hoodie, but it has no ties and is always pulled down when on site as I am a bit against them looks-wise.
As with a jacket you would more often than not remove a garment before working on equipment.

5. It was once raised by engineers here as a consideration to upgrading our workwear/PPE. Usually more popular by the slightly younger demographic. We gave it some thought and fell just shy of producing any risk assessment, snag hazards on mixers, conveyors and even certain motors were discussed.
In the end we felt hoodies were not the image our company wanted to portray for looking professional on some of our more corporate sites.

6. We have hoodies; however, we have removed the strings.

7. We have the same issue; I have stopped buying them but now the engineers are complaining that they don’t like jumpers!  Would be interested if someone has a risk assessment, failing that take the hood cord out!

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I have an enquiry for a Twin Tank Height Adjustable Fryer. Can you see if the members have come across such a product, please.


1. These do one that fit the requirements:×20-litres-24kW-Adexa-THE7F1818M?language=en&currency=GBP&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiArfauBhApEiwAeoB7qOoOqYyZboVozMoADRNB2RKLaxLAo4e_oGdVTPC1fniUQhOwvpeVeRoC5DIQAvD_BwE

2. Maybe use a drop in fryer ( Valentine / FriFri ) and set into a height adjustable bench ( EAIS / Craven ).

3. Does not seem viable to me.

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Can any member recommend a Flooring company that can install Altro flooring in Restaurants front and back of house nationwide?


1. Kester Harvey –

2.  SquareOne who is a ceda member but also do flooring.  The contact is Lee Martin

3. FLR Group –  Tel: 0121 314 9658

4. I believe Altro also have a list of companies, so it might be worthwhile speaking to them. Contact Altro Limited via 01462 480480 / 01462 489516 or via

5. Creative Edge – contact Mike Nixon via 07775 639979 –

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Is anyone aware of a suitable replacement silver Burnisher that would replace the IMC A4? I believe this one has been discontinued. 


1. Try Sammic – SAMMIC. Equipment for Catering and Hotel, Licensed Trade and Food Industries

2. We’ve put a few of the Sammic machines into the Cosmo Restaurants group and had no complaints, in fact they don’t seem to break on a regular basis.

3. Maybe take a look at

4. I think Blude badger may do one.

5. Unfortunately, the IMC was the only burnisher I was aware of!

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We are having more and more larger parts deliveries for our London based engineers. We were having these sent to their home addresses, but it isn’t working. Do you know of any hubs, delivery companies etc, local to London who would take the deliveries in for our engineers to then collect?


1. We once upon a time used a system called ByBox which was offered by First Choice/Parts Town. The engineers then collected from here using a key. It’s like the smart lockers you get for Amazon and InPost etc. Might be an option for the member.

2. Parts Town offer many other alternatives, i.e. BT Final Mile and in your van service as well as Post Office pick-ups.

3. I started looking into something called Bybox – which I believe Parts town and a few of the larger catering engineer companies use. Nothing ever came of it so can’t see how it worked, but the concept was basically a collection hub, anywhere in the UK, parts would be delivered to and engineers could collect local to the job.

4. I don’t know of any local London delivery companies, however in my last job we used to either deliver early morning to local lockers (local to engineer or a regular site), or we had a man with a van who used to take parts to central London and engineers would meet him if they had parts to collect or return. I believe this was Smithfield Market he would park up for 2/3hrs.

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Can anyone recommend suppliers of vending machines please. Thank you


1. They could try Venda Valet –

2. ceda Member ‘Scobie McIntosh have said they supply all vending machines across UK plus vending servicing – regular machines to smart fridges to fried chips and pizza. New or refurbished. Please telephone John Ward via 07918690275 or Mark Stevens via 07770 732482. Website:

3. ceda Member ‘Mercury Distribution Ltd have said ‘We can certainly help if your client is looking for vending machines in the Channel Islands. We can supply and install.’ Please contact Justin Crow via 07797 895209. Website: Homepage – Mercury Distribution

4. They should contact Walter Gill via 07723 618592 –

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Please can you ask the ceda membership if their service company are registered for CIS and deduct the tax for sub-contractors’ work? We need to know whether we need to deduct CIS when we subcontract catering equipment installation or service work. Therefore, has anyone been deducting or getting deducted from when subbing the work on both sides of the table basically?


1. As a ceda Member please refer to Build UK:

2. I think the company asking the question should ask their accountant. Our company are CIS registered and our subcontractors have to invoice in line with the Reverse VAT rules for install.

3. I’d be happy to see the outcome of this also if you could share. I am currently investigating my end, Our accountants are currently advising project works is CIS service work isn’t which is complicating things. It also depends on if your subby is CIS registered and if they are required to be, and if your customer is as well.

4. Our Service company isn’t required to engage with the CIS process.

5. We’re registered for CIS but understand it only applies where “permanent” fixtures are included in an installation, such as extraction systems or cold rooms.  Similarly, we deduct CIS from our sub-contractors for these works.  We understand CIS doesn’t apply to service work or installation of “plug in” / freestanding equipment. Additionally, if applying CIS to a customer’s invoice we also need to confirm whether DRC VAT is applicable as that project is now counted as “construction”.

6. We are CIS registered on the basis some tenders require this, as a form of traceability, however we do not invoice differently, or contract tax free work, this remains outside of our working knowledge.
You basically need to register, but unless you get involved in construction or take on labourers direct your processes should not be effected, you just need to justify or talk thru systems with clients / suppliers.

7. We have to be CIS registered to work for construction companies. Likewise, as we undertake small building works ourselves via sun trades we are then acting as a principle contractor to do this therefore again we need to do reverse vat. If the works, fall within the scope of CIS we should be requesting a domestic reverse charge VAT invoice if it has been invoiced with standard VAT. If the supply is for a sub-contractor and their CIS status isn’t gross the 20% or 30% would be deducted whether domestic reverse charge or standard VAT.

8. We pay install subcontractors through CIS as they are generally working on a live construction site (although they are registered gross so no deductions which makes it easier) but we would consider service work to be outside of the scope as it is not “construction work”

9. Yes, we are registered for CIS. We only process CIS on project work, which is subject to VAT reverse charge, not any ad-hoc repairs.  This was agreed with the HMRC following a general inspection visit. This cuts down on a huge amount of admin time. I would suggest your member clarifies this query with the HMRC & get their response in writing.

10. Depends on if they are asking from a service perspective or project installs….

11. This is a very good question.
I feel like it is a very grey area that not many people actually understand how and when it should be applied.
In a previous life before here I worked in payroll and dealt with CIS for bona fide self-employed contractors which is quite straight forward.
When it comes to deducting from companies I don’t feel that it is very clear what does and doesn’t come under the scope.
We have some clients who do deduct from us, we are not registered as a contractor ourselves so all deductions are taken at the full rate.
To be honest I don’t worry about it too much as I report this in the same month and deduct it from that months PAYE so it has little real impact on us. My understanding of it may be incorrect but I believe that for example.
We are installing new equipment in a new kitchen, and we are working on behalf of a client who is a main contractor they will deduct from us, because they in turn will have a deduction made by the builder/ construction company whom they are billing.
I don’t not believe that call outs to equipment breakdowns come under the scope of the scheme.
Not sure if that is any help at all but this is how it works for us currently.
I would be interested to know if you do manage to get any clarification from HMRC.

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We are struggling to obtain some parts for InstaTaps, we have a site which have quite a few of these on site, so would appreciate your help. Model is a V-Boiler.


  1. Contact ceda Silver Partner Instanta – ceda
  2. The ‘Instatap’ I know is distributed by Zip/Instanta in the UK so parts should be readily available? Zip Water Our representative, in the south of England, is Vanessa Clarke 07790 916455
  3. Zip Water have said ‘We do have spare parts available for the Instataps range.’
    Contact: UK Customer Service – Email Phone: 03456 005 005
  4. It’s Marco so all parts should be available with Marco or Parts Town UK.

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Can any ceda Member recommend a company who are able to supply and install an Altro floor in a kitchen?


  1. Mike Nixon – Creative Edge – Tel: 01604 702 746
  2. We have worked with Advanced Cladding a few times and would recommend them – Hygienic cladding supply & installation | Advanced Hygienic Contracting (
  3. ceda Member ‘Square One Interiors’ Square One (Design and Display) Limited T/A Square One Interiors – SOi – ceda – Email Lee Martin –
  4. It is best to contact Altro UK about this and ask for recommended installers in the relevant area. Altro is only as good as the contractors who are laying it – if they skimp on the preparation, jointing and coving it will potentially split or bubble and have to be lifted, which is normally only found after the kitchen is operational and a major cost to the distributor. Altro UK Tel: 01462 480480 Email:
  5. We use Gladstone flooring –
  6. We have previously used Paul Vasey Flooring Contractor based in Mansfield NG 18 postcode – 34 Firfield Drive, Mansfield, Notts, NG18 3EQ. Tel: 01623 645630
  7. Altro Limited | Works Road | Letchworth Garden City | Hertfordshire | SG6 1NW. Email:
  8. HCS based in Leeds are a good reliable company.

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We have a bit of a dilemma as our supplier has component issues and therefore, we need to find a bottle cooler with the below dims that can be delivered to a restaurant in London by Friday – 29th September 2023!
*600 wide 800/820 max high 500 deep and needs to have s/s solid door.


  1. Osborne will make but whether in time is another matter.
  2. You can try Osborne refrigeration as they make to order but are not cheap.
  3. The only one I can think of is Precision Refrigeration BBS600_GD it can be configured for height and a solid door but not sure if they would have stock or the delivery slot.
  4. They might struggle with 500mm deep is it not 550? Osborne do one 160ES GSS, im 90% sure its in stock as I only checked the back end of last week.
    *That’s the glass door code sorry not sure if they do a solid door.

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