I am currently looking for a shipping partner, specifically to bring appliances in from outside of the EU.
Does any member have any trusted partners they currently work with?
- Depending on where from Ital logistics is an option but I have only used for Germany and Italy.
- The company we have worked with before is Oceanblue. We purchased some goods from Australia, and this is the shipping company they used.
Robert Salt / Director
Oceanblue Logistics Ltd
Olympic House
4 Laceby Business Park
Grimsby Road, Laceby
NE Lincs, DN37 7DP
Tel 01472 878514
Email - We use Alpi. We have tried loads since Brexit and we have found these guys to be the best and most reasonable on the market. We have been using them to transport Warewashing machines from Italy to the UK. Contact cut and pasted below.
Lloyd Satchwell
Sales Executive
Tel: 01675 469042 / 01675 463284
Mobile: 07475 512929
Website: - I have used Dane Waldron (Waldron logistics) to bring large equipment in from the Netherlands and he was fantastic. Trusted guy! Great service and price Tel: 01213284101
- We use Socotra for all our imports from all over Europe. Contact details – Tony Burrows – tburrows@socotrauk.comT: 01625 919080 M: 07776 512835 E: W: