Welcome to cedaRetain. During these difficult times, many highly skilled people within our industry will – for reasons beyond their control – find themselves without a job. cedaRetain has been created as an informal link between those who have found themselves in this position and potential employers from within our ceda member companies.
Our aim here is simple. To connect those within our industry in the hope that something positive can happen. So if you’d like to use this resource, just complete the form below and we’ll make sure your skills and experience are shared amongst more than 100 ceda member companies.

Please fill out this form providing as much detail as possible. Once you have completed the form it will be sent to ceda for verification and then uploaded to a listings page that is accessible to ceda member companies only. These companies will then contact you directly using the details you provide.
Don’t forget to tick the box if you’d also like information from ceda on our series of webinars, e-learning and guides that may also be of help to you during these times. All of these will be made available free of charge to approved registrants who have requested them.
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