Scobie McIntosh become ceda Member

We are delighted to welcome another new ceda member.

Scobie McIntosh, a business that has passed through six generations of family leadership, now finds itself at the forefront of delivering services and innovation to the food service industry on an international scale from supermarkets and hotels to bakeries and cafes.

The business today has key competencies spanning across bakery, catering, coffee, vending and refrigeration supported by design, specification, logistics, installation, service, maintenance programmes and finance packages, all of which have been created through interaction and response with their broad and diverse range of customers.

Today Scobie McIntosh continues to develop solutions for its customers, has an energetic growth strategy which is on boarding businesses that add value to its existing customer base and is ready to discuss any equipment challenges and service requirements you may have.

On the decision to join ceda Scobie McIntosh Executive Director, Kingsley Donaldson comments:

“Scobie McIntosh has had a long association with ceda. We are really pleased to be returning to the organisation as a result of our recent acquisition of Corrigans. Our Chairman, Geoffrey Alderson, was heavily involved with ceda and was Chairman for a number of years. Karen Hillyer of Corrigans has been a long standing ceda member too so it is only natural for us to return to the fold.

“It is an exciting time for our business as we expand across the UK and Ireland. The move back into catering has been long overdue and by bringing Corrigans into our group of companies we are filling that gap. Whilst our initial focus will be on Corrigans existing client base, we are ambitious to expand beyond the M25 and eventually to have a national level catering operation to complement our bakery, coffee, vending, refrigeration and logistics divisions.”

To find out more about Scobie McIntosh visit