Marsh Commercial: Top seven benefits of using a broker
If you need insurance, then you’re going to need an insurance broker. Particularly given the challenging insurance market we’re currently experiencing. A broker provides advice and explains clearly what your insurance covers and what is not covered. They also act for you and have a legal duty of care in the advice and products provided. So, rest assured you are in safe hands.
- A broker can use their expert knowledge to highlight areas of cover that may not be considered.
- A broker can ensure you are not paying for more cover than you need and ensure you receive excellent service.
- A broker can shop around on your behalf to help find you the cover you need, from every day book-keeping to higher risk work that insurers are increasingly shying away from in the current challenging market.
- After a policy is sold, a broker can continue performing valuable day-to-day services, monitoring the adequacy of coverage limits and policy terms as market conditions fluctuate.
- In the event of a claim, the broker can act on the business’s behalf to achieve settlement.
- A broker can ensure your business is presented to insurers in the correct way, which allows insurers to offer the most appropriate products for a fair price.
- Professional indemnity policies require you to notify your insurers if you become aware of a claim against you in relation to your professional activities, or you become aware of a circumstance, which may give rise to a claim. A broker can provide valuable advice and guidance as to whether you should notify a claim or circumstance to insurers.
Need expert advice?
Get in touch with our insurance experts. Call Leah Gregory on 07385 482545 or email
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