Hospitality businesses spend almost double the time considering buying new equipment as they do getting rid of the kit they no longer need
Reuse specialist, Ramco, is urging businesses in the foodservice sector to place the same value on the sustainable disposal of outgoing equipment as on the procurement process for new assets.
The alarming new data shows nearly 41% of hospitality organisations in the UK that send their unwanted but working equipment to scrap or landfill, choose this option because it requires less effort than re-homing redundant items.
According to Edie, businesses are responsible for dumping 20% of what ends up in landfill. Conducted by Censuswide, Ramco’s research further reveals nearly a third (29%) of Senior Managers in the hospitality sector who send unwanted items to scrap or landfill say that being more sustainable is not a priority for their organisation.
Paul Fieldhouse, Foodservice Consultant at Ramco, says action is needed and foodservice businesses must take accountability for extending the life of their unwanted equipment: “If businesses want to be sustainable, this ratio needs to change”, says Paul. “We’re urging firms to place the same value on the sustainable management of outgoing equipment as on the procurement of new items”.
“We’re in a climate crisis and yet UK business operations are still running in a way that causes so much unnecessary waste. Shiny new kit is exciting, but the outgoing equipment still holds so much value and, with consideration, can go on to realise its full potential with a new owner.
“It’s disheartening to discover almost 1 in 5 (17%) of hospitality organisations still send working equipment to scrap or landfill rather than giving it a second lease of life in a new home. Of course, organisations need to keep their facilities up to date or bring in more efficient technology, but the outgoing equipment still has potential and holds precious value.
“Some 68% of hospitality organisations say they have unwanted, working equipment sitting idle, they need to ensure these assets don’t go down the scrap or landfill route and instead are rehomed and put back into circulation to fulfil their product lifecycle”.
Paul continues: “We’ve seen a booming second-hand market in recent years, and it shows no signs of slowing and our customers are buying everything from coffee machines to combi ovens. With the cost of doing business continuing to rise, now is a great time to sell redundant assets.