Food on the Move Conference

Innovation, Sustainability and Food Safety in the Age of Delivery

Wednesday March 27th, the Barbican Centre, London

Full Programme:

Hear from 50 leading food service innovators, entrepreneurs and food safety experts

Learn from many of the leading innovators behind the second wave of ‘The Digital Disruption of Food Delivery’.

  • Hear from equipment manufacturers creating hot holding equipment and integrated delivery systems, keeping meals at the right temp from restaurant to home – no more cold food!
  • Hear from waste reduction platforms set to transform our understanding and tolerance for waste in food delivery – waste no more!
  • Hear about the private and public sector proposals to create safety certification schemes for restaurant and delivery platforms alike – licensing delivery
  • Hear from systems developers as they showcase the next wave of food delivery systems – tracking production and providing up-to-date stock level reporting
  • Hear from innovators on local to local delivery systems – Communities defending their high streets – systems called ‘take-back’
  • Hear from logistics innovators getting it right by removing redundancy and reduplication from our last mile transport models – removing the waste
  • Hear from open delivery platforms enabling the ‘collaborative capital’ model to offer the public completely new delivery models – consumer led”

Keynote Speakers include:

TRISTRAM STUART, Author of Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal, Speaker, Campaigner and Expert on the Environmental and Social Impacts of Food Waste, discusses food delivery – the need for change and the priorities for transformation.

SHIRLEY CRAMER, CEO at the Royal Society for Public Health and Institute of Healthcare Management, talks about her vision of what a food delivery system looks like when it is designed to protect the public health.

JOHN BARNES, former Head of Local Delivery at the Food Standards Agency, looks at the future of food safety in the age of delivery – what should it look like? keeping the trust!”


Conference fees include full access to the day’s events, refreshments throughout the day, a three-course lunch and a networking wine reception