Dear All,
This letter aims to update you on our preparations in response to the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Updates from the Department for Education, Liverpool Council and Public Health England have been used as a basis for our planning. We recognise that people will understandably be concerned at this time, therefore, we just want to reassure you that DCE is monitoring the situation closely, is in regular contact with relevant authorities and has comprehensive plans in place.
Day to Day Response
We are encouraging all of our staff to follow Public Health guidance and keep high levels of personal hygiene; this includes making sure that we are directing staff to sanitise/wash their hands:
o before leaving home
o on arrival at DCE/site
o after using the toilet
o after breaks
o before eating any food, including snacks
o before leaving DCE/site
DCE Staff have been issued hand sanitiser to use throughout the day and can refill container at any time at the DCE premises.
Our standard cleaning processes at DCE will continue but we are also taking extra precautions within our cleaning arrangements and making sure that frequent contact points such as door handles are cleaned more regularly. We have plans in place to provide an enhanced or deep clean quickly as and when required.
We are supporting our staff to have good hygiene habits and follow the recommended ‘Catch it, kill it, Bin it’ approach.
Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19
The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:
new continuous cough and/or
high temperature
For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild infection
Generally, these infections can cause more severe symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, older people, and those with long-term conditions like diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease. There is no evidence that children are more affected than other age groups – and it is important to remember that very few cases have been reported in children so far.
If you or a family member present with these symptoms, the advice of health professionals is to self-isolate for 7 days. Guidance on
After 7 days, if anyone is still unwell, then seek medical advice using NHS 111 online. If you have no internet access call NHS 111. If symptoms worsen during your self-isolation, seek prompt medical advice.
We will communicate either face-to-face, on the telephone, or by email. We may also post updates on our Facebook page – please ensure you are following us ‘DCE Engineers’. Notices will be displayed around our premises – usually near the front entrance or on the front door, to ensure you are kept up to date with any changes.
Whilst these measures are in place, DCE Engineers will carry out all works in full PPE/Protective clothing, gloves, shoe covers, face masks etc as per Public Health England Guidelines.
Please rely only on information given directly from us here at DCE.
Planning in Place:
An important part of our preparations is making sure that we have contingency plans for a variety of scenarios, including a temporary closure if instructed to do so by Public Health England. Currently, we have planned for 3 separate scenarios:
1. Instruction from the Government to close for a specified period of time:
There are currently no plans or instructions from the Government for closure. This is a fluid situation at present – therefore we are following reviewed protocol daily as it is updated and shared. Should closure be instructed for any period of time, we will ensure that all service users are informed and given as much notice as is possible in such instance.
2. Instruction to implement social distancing and limit the contact of groups of people:
DCE has already begun to implement this protocol, to minimize contact at DCE/site. We also ask that staff and customers use the hand sanitizer provided.
3. Continuation of service:
We have in place agreements with our bank for continued support, if required, to enable continuation of service through this difficult time. Government assistance indicated over the last couple of days will also assist us to ensure continued support for our customers.
We hope that implementing such plans will not be necessary, but we will always make decisions with the needs, health and welfare of staff and customers first.
Thank you for your continued support and your understanding in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Brendan Doyle