connected – October 2022

Hello and a warm welcome to this month’s Conference Special edition of connected.

We’re fresh back from The Belfry and feeling full of knowledge from our fantastic speakers, motivated
by new connections made at the Meet the Buyer day and inspired by all the Award winners!

Over the following pages, you can relive the highlights with us. Or if you were unable to attend, you can catch up with the top speaker programme from the Business Day and all the winners from the Legacy Awards, Supplier and Rising Star Awards and the ceda Grand Prix Awards 2022. The Speaker presentations and videos have also been added to the Conference website should you wish to re-watch or download the slides.

There’s a particularly nice write up of our chat with ceda Founder, Michael Swerdlow, who joined us for this year’s Conference, in ceda’s 50th anniversary year! We were delighted to present Michael with a Legacy Honours by ceda award and hear his story about how ceda was born. Read his story on page 15.

We hope you enjoy this issue of connected and we welcome your feedback and contributions for future editions.

Read connected October 2022