connected – March 2022

Hello and a warm welcome to this month’s edition of connected, and ceda’s 50th anniversary year!

In this landmark year for the association, we’ve got lots to share and celebrate with you. In each edition of connected in 2022 we’ll be reliving ceda’s past, decade by decade, capturing the key events and developments in our history.

On pages 5 and 6 you’ll find a fascinating timeline of ceda over the last 50 years, including some grainy but wonderful images from the very first ceda council meeting and AGM, as well as our very first logo!

This month’s edition also includes details of the Commercial Catering Equipment and Hospitality Industry Walking Group, something many of you will already be familiar with and may have taken part in. Organisers Nick Archer and James Connolly tell us more about the independent well-being group, and how you can join in.

There’s also a write-up on this year’s Northern Restaurant & Bar show and a recap on The Northern Hospitality Scene from the ceda Conference.

We delve into what it means to be sustainable, and how that translates to our sector and there’s an educational piece on SEO (search engine optimisation).

We hope you enjoy this issue of connected and we welcome your feedback and contributions for future editions.

Read connected March 2022