2018: A year of growth, development and engagement for ceda

In the last 18 months we have recruited 22 new Members. A combination of lapsed Members returning to the fold, having recognised the developments we have been making, and new companies who haven’t in the past been able to recognise the value and relevance of ceda.

The April Conference, Technical Conference, Regional Meetings, BIM training courses and Academy meetings have seen us physically engage with over 600 people from Members, Partners and invited guests in 2018. This shows growth and is really pleasing to see.

Our growth in terms of visibility and profile has been good, particularly the focus on video marketing which is proving incredibly positive in our engagement with end-users and operators.

ceda has continued to develop their service offering and the increased technical support and training have been particularly popular.

We are approaching the end of a busy, challenging but enjoyable year and I am most grateful for the work of Adam and the ceda office team, the expertise of our third-party service providers and the time, commitment and guidance of the Board in making all this possible.

But most importantly, you the Members who continue to collaborate, support and engage with each other and your Association.

Our plans for 2019 are quite incredible and we look forward to sharing them with you in the New Year.

May I wish you, your staff and your families a happy and peaceful Christmas and I look forward to seeing you in 2019.

Jack Sharkey, ceda Chairman