ceda Silver Partner MKN Offers Members New Online Seminars.
What will your kitchen of tomorrow look like if it has to suit your needs perfectly? How do you use your kitchen equipment more effectively? How can you benefit from new innovative products? Many questions and finding the answers is not easy these days.
Are you interested in the MKN Cooking Experience Seminars but given the on-going Covid-19 restrictions, believe this cannot be possible to attend? No problem! The MKN application specialists now take you on a culinary journey around the entire world of professional thermal cooking technology digitally and live. Simply tell them your preferred date and required topics and they will take care of the rest. MKN is thinking one step ahead while offering new online seminars. Their experts connect with you virtually in your own kitchen – giving personal consultations online and live. They have all the answers to your questions and help you implement your requirements.
For further information and to book an appointment please visit: