ABDA Sustainability Audit

ceda Member ABDA Creative Design & Build has launched its environmental sustainability strategy, issuing a supplier questionnaire, which will enhance catering equipment and design-led procurement.

The interior and catering design studio have taken steps to review supplier sustainability credentials, developing the questionnaire to cover manufacturing processes, recycling and shipping, as well as supply chain management and overall environment vision.

Gary Mackness, ABDA Design’s Project Director, said: “The supplier audit will be a starting point for ABDA Design, helping us to manage the environmental impacts of our operations. A key part of this is gaining an understanding of our supplier’s environmental strategies and commitments for the future.”

The questionnaire launches alongside a year-long programme of sustainable-led education for the design team at ABDA Design, which began with a one-day BREEAM training session in January.

The course, which is the world’s leading sustainability assessment method, focused on a holistic approach to projects, encompassing all aspects of the design and build process, with attention placed on encouraging original thinking around sustainability, complementing the firm’s ethos as a creative-led business.

ABDA Design will also be supporting their designer’s professional development by arranging sustainable-led workshops with market-leading suppliers, including Forbo, Dulux and Armstrong, as well as catering equipment manufacturers such as Unox, Meiko and Frima.

Design Director at ABDA Design, Richard Steade, commented: “Through our learnings and close relationships with our suppliers we ensure we are at the forefront of new trends and developments, giving us the knowledge to pass on the benefits of sustainable design to our clients with the most creative solutions and appropriate products’’.

ABDA’s environmental sustainability supplier questionnaire will be rolled out in early July 2018 and has been cited as an important step in enabling ABDA to manage their environmental impacts through procurement.

For more information on ABDA Creative Design & Build’s hospitality design services, visit www.abdadesign.co.uk or call 01604 770686.