We went to lunch!

We took a last minute stand at lunch! - The contemporary food-to-go show, on 20th & 21st September 2017 at the ExCeL, London.

In doing so, we were able to promote ceda and ceda members to the 6,000 visitors that attended the two day trade show.

The event targets the food-to-go market with key buyers from the following sectors in attendance:

  • Cafe/Coffee Shop/Sandwich Shop,
  • Multiple/Supermarket/Department Store,
  • Contract Catering,
  • Attractions/Retail/Instore/Airline,
  • Delicatessen/Specialist Food Store,
  • Fast Food/Garden Centre and
  • Sports/Gym/Leisure Centre.

The plethora of sectors represented made it a great fit for us to showcase ourselves, what our members do and the benefits of working with a ceda member, to core operators in the food-to-go industry. Our new branding was on display which clearly demonstrated how ceda membership adds value to any foodservice business and the pool of resources and advice available to members.

As we go forward we hope to grow the ceda membership by exhibiting at various trade shows like this around the country. Let us know if you are attending any shows - we can share the news with other members who may also benefit from exhibiting there. Together we can grow. Together we are connected.