2018 ceda Conference

2018 ceda Conference

The annual ceda Conference is fast approaching and details of the two-day industry event are coming together.

Held at the Hilton Hotel, St George’s Park, Burton Upon Trent on 26th and 27th April 2018, the Conference is the premier event of the Catering Equipment Industry attracting distributors, manufacturers and representatives of other associations representing major end user groups.

Day One of this year’s Conference (Thursday) sees the ceda AGM take place in the afternoon, followed by an informal networking dinner in the evening. Friday is the Business Day featuring some top class speakers. Friday evening is the formal Gala Awards Dinner where the coveted ceda Awards are announced.

The ceda Conference is noted for top class speakers on both industry specific topics and general business issues. Amongst this year’s speakers is Nigel Barden. Nigel is a food & drink broadcaster, who works with Simon Mayo on his BBC Radio 2 shows and is the food correspondent for BBC London. He specialises in promoting British ingredients and artisan producers, particularly in his role as chairman of judges for The Great Taste Awards, Farm Shop & Deli Awards, World Cheese Awards, British Cookery School Awards & host of the National Fish & Chip Awards.

Our host for the Thursday evening and Friday Gala Dinner and Awards is Richard West, a highly acclaimed international Professional Motivational Speaker. A lifetime spent in motorsport, Formula 1 motor racing and international commerce enables him to speak firsthand about business and sporting experience on the subjects of Creating and Maintaining High Performing Business Teams, Creating and Managing Change, and The Attributes of Leadership.

ceda Director General Adam Mason is looking forward to this year’s Conference, and believes it’s going to be the best yet, “As the leading industry trade body we see firsthand the growth in the catering equipment sector, and this is replicated each year in the number of delegates that attend Conference. As the Conference gets bigger, the standard gets higher, and so does expectation. We’re quietly confident this year’s programme of events and speakers, of which there are still more to announce, will be our finest yet and we can’t wait to disclose more details as and when they are confirmed.”

For more information about the 2018 ceda Conference please visit cedaconference.co.uk. More details and speakers are being added each day, so please check back regularly for updates.