The following documents have been published by ceda as guidance for Members on both technical and business related issues. They are divided in to two main sections, Guidance Documents (technical) and Standard Documents (commercial and business). Each of these is then sub-divided into relevant topics.

Click the filter link words to show the documents available for each topic.

Technical Guidance Documents

Guidance Document #001

The ceda Technical Steering Group has been concerned for some time about a lack of clarity in the gas regulations relating to regular maintenance of…

Guidance Document #003

SUPERCEDED BY IGEM UP/19: These notes are based on information from HSE Catering Information Sheet 23 (rev 1) and agreed best practice.

Guidance Document #003A

SUPERCEDED BY IGEM UP/19: This document has now been superseded by IGEM Publication UP/19.  Toolbox size "Guidance for gas engineers to the…

Guidance Document #004

Whilst NICEIC is highly respected and the UK’s leading voluntary regulatory body for the electrical contracting industry, covering most aspects of…

Guidance Document #005

The following is a report prepared by a member of the Technical Steering Group following attendance at a seminar at the Electrical Contractors…

Guidance Document #006

SUPERCEDED BY JOINT CEDA/HETAS GUIDANCE DOCUMENT A number of members have asked if there are any specific regulations or guidance relating to the…

Guidance Document #006A

THIS DOCUMENT SUPER-CEDES GUIDANCE DOCUMENT #006 This document is intended to provide guidance for Foodservice Operators looking to purchase solid…

Guidance Document #007

The ceda Technical Steering Group has been concerned for some time about some insurance companies insisting that override thermostats on commercial…

Guidance Document #008

Many large customers and in particular facilities management companies and main contractors insist on suppliers having Health and Safety…

Guidance Document #009

Until recently the only way in which an engineer could be registered as competent was to undergo assessment at a certified training and assessment…

Guidance Document #010

This document is intended to provide guidance for individuals involved directly or indirectly in the maintenance of commercial catering refrigeration…

Guidance Document #011

Cleaning of commercial kitchen extraction systems is extremely important and if it is not done adequately, it can cause many problems which manifest…

Guidance Document #012

From the feedback following the seminar on Pressure Systems at the 2015 Technical Conference it was clear that many members are not aware of the…

Guidance Document #013

The GIUSP were revised in December 2015 (edition 7.1) and included a fundamental change in so much that the previous category of reportable unsafe…

Guidance Document #014

ceda Guidance Document Number 14 Update (dated June 2019) explained that JIB-PMES currently provide a black “managers” CSCS card and one of the…

Guidance Document #015

The production of this document has been prompted following several instances of members experiencing serious problems with the corrosion of the…

Guidance Document #016

This document has been prepared following several members encountering problems with Environmental Health Officers reporting that the rinse…

Guidance Document #017

An environmental policy is a written statement, usually signed by senior management, which outlines a business' aims and principles in relation to…

Guidance Document #018

The Regulatory Reform Act loosely referred to as the Fire Reform Order is a statutory (Legally binding) regulation. Scotland and Northern Ireland…

Guidance Document #019

From recent responses to a request from a member asking whether other members paid engineers for travelling time from their home to the first call…

Guidance Document #020

This guidance document has been created following a request from an end user for clarification as to whether they had to pay for the removal of…

Guidance Document #021

This policy is intended to act as a guide to manufacturers, distributors and customers and should be considered by the parties when agreeing the…

Guidance Document #022

This document has been produced as a result of some confusion as to the interpretation of one of the notes in UP/19 on Figure 3 Flowchart dealing…

Guidance Document #023

A number of members have expressed concern at the growing use of computerised service management portals by customers and the fact that they can…

Guidance Document #024

The 18th edition of BS7671 has made a change that could impact on ceda members installation engineers. The change relates to the provision of RCD…

Guidance Document #025

This document should be read in conjunction with Technical Guidance Document No 10 issued in 2015

Guidance Document #026

There is some confusion as to whether an electrical qualification is required before a service or installation engineer can work on electrical…

Guidance Document #027a

This guidance document is intended to provide information for members about the use of Chlorine based dishwashing chemicals.

Guidance Document #028

This document give advice for employers for recruiting an apprentice. It covers several steps to find a suited apprentice starting with: What do you…

Guidance Document #029

Waste disposal units by their very nature are noisy items of equipment when in use and in some circumstances, they can be considered to be a risk to…

Guidance Document #030

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many kitchens will be closed down or mothballed and the following is advice on the actions and precautions that should…

Guidance Document #031

It has been suggested that ceda investigates if manufacturers provide information through their serial number or data plates that will enable you to…

Guidance Document #032

This guidance document is intended for use by kitchen operators and is only intended to assist in the start-up of equipment following a period of…

Special Guidance Document

Before re-opening, restaurants will need to review how they work and employ new practices and procedures, businesses of all types need to adapt their…

Guidance Document #033

This guidance document is intended for use by Project Managers and is only intended as guidance on the new CSCS Card requirements coming into force…

Guidance Document #034

There is some confusion in respect of WRAS Approval of products with many people under the impression that this is mandatory, however, this is not…

Guidance Document #035

Recently there has been some confusion due to the fact that a major manufacturer of combination ovens states in their installation instructions “The…

Guidance Document #036

In the latest guidance document from ceda, a guide to remove, clean and reinstall all types of commercial catering equipment likely to be found…

Guidance Document #037

Switching off the supply of electricity to allow for safe working is legally mandated and electrical isolation is vital for safety. The consequences…

Guidance Document #038

Voltage Sticks are a simple tool involving a capacitance circuit and can be used for testing that voltage is present, however, they are seen as being…

Guidance Document #039

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to ceda members’ service managers on how to comply with the requirements of TB118 without having…

Guidance Document #040

The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 include a requirement for extensions or alterations of a water system (in premises other than a…

Guidance Document #041

A Service Level Agreement or SLA is an excellent tool for managing discrete packages of works or services. The purpose of this brief Guidance…

Guidance Document #042

This document has been produced to explain the issues and how to deal with them and should be useful both to installation engineers and to sales…

Guidance Document #043

The document takes you through all the elements that need to be considered to create efficient, effective and hygienic refrigeration provisions.

Guidance Document #044

This guidance document has been produced by the ceda Technical Support Group as a source of unbiased advice on best practice for anyone involved in…

Guidance Document #045

The document takes you through all the elements that need to be considered to create an efficient and effective warewashing system.

Guidance Document #046

This guidance document gives advice on best practice in the operation and maintenance of commercial catering equipment.

Guidance Document #047

This document explains how to work with appliances fitted with European 2 pin plugs.

Guidance Document #048

Trials are progressing to investigate the suitability of Hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas.

Guidance Document #049

IGEM UP/19 is the standard that relates to the design and application of gas interlocks in commercial catering kitchens installations.

Guidance Document #050

Waste disposal units have long been an accepted tool for the hygienic disposal of food waste and operate by grinding the food waste into small…

Guidance Document #051

A Minor Electrical Works Certificate should be issued when any work is carried out that involves an addition to, or alteration of, an existing…

Guidance Document #052

Before commencing work on any appliance that is connected to an electrical supply it is essential to test that the appliance itself.

Guidance Document #053

This guidance document has been published following the results of a prosecution by HSE relating to the tragic death of an engineer when working on a…

Guidance Document #054

This guidance document to give advice on the necessary air volumes for extraction over electric chargrills

Guidance Document #055

Following a recent tragic fatal electrocution of a technician in our industry, ceda believe it is appropriate that we issue a reminder note on basic…

Guidance Document #056

With the increasing use of Induction Hobs due to their energy efficiency, ceda has investigated the concerns about risks that these appliances pose…

Guidance Document #057

This guidance document to give advice on RCD Protection.

Guidance Document #058

There still appears to be some confusion amongst members about CSCS cards so this document provides up to date information on the cards likely to be…

Guidance Document #059

There has recently been some discussion amongst members regarding the Construction Industry Scheme which requires contractors to deduct money from a…

Guidance Document #060

Guidance on the best practice for wood fired pizza ovens installed indoors.

Guidance Document #061

An update to Guidance Document #039. This document provides guidance on the Gas Safe Register Technical Bulletin 118a - The safe electrical isolation…

Guidance Document #062

Whilst the gas technology involved in domestic gas cookers is no different than that in commercial ranges, in addition to ComCat 1 it has always been…

Guidance Document #063

An Earth Continuity resistance check ensures that in the case of a fault, those safety measures will work as intended. The test checks the resistance…

Guidance Document #064

An Earth continuity test only proves that the appliance has satisfactory Earth continuity resistance between the appliance and the point of…

Guidance Document #065

The recommended test voltage for performing insulation tests is 500 V DC. The instrument used should be capable of maintaining the test voltage when…

Guidance Document #066

The recommended test voltage for performing insulation tests is 500 V DC. The instrument used should be capable of maintaining the test voltage when…

Guidance Document #067

Several members have expressed concern about the wording of the requirements listed in the installation manuals for Hobart Ware Washers which are…

Standard Contract & Advice Documents

Standard Document #C01

This document covers most terms and conditions for the sale of equipment however, additional clauses are available for certain types of business.…

Standard Document #C02

This document provides some additional clauses which can be added to Standard Document #C01: Terms and Conditions of Sale, where applicable.

Standard Document #C03

This document provides a model covering letter explaining the terms of engagement for design services.

Standard Document #C04

This document provides a set of terms and conditions for engagement to provide design services.

Standard Document #C05

This document sets out a template for an ethical trading and procurement policy.

Standard Document #C06

This document is part of a suite of documents developed to provide members with standards that members are encouraged to adopt with the ultimate…

Standard Document #C07

A service counter that incorporates a number of electrically operated components which are wired to a distribution board which is supplied as part of…

Standard Document #C08

This document provides a spreadsheet which can be completed with names, addresses dates and the value of a project. There is provision for two…

Standard Document #S16

This document offers a job description for a Commercial Catering Equipment Installation Engineer who is responsible to a Project Manager or…

Standard Document #C10

This document sets out a template for you to inform your own customers that you have been invited to pre-qualify under [insert name of accreditation…

Standard Document #C11

This document is part of a suite of documents developed to provide members with standards that members are encouraged to adopt with the ultimate…

Standard Document #C12

With the increasing focus on Duty of Care obligations, [insert company name] needs to ensure that employees are provided with clear guidelines on…

Standard Document #C13

ceda Members can use this document to create or update their GPDR Policies.

Standard Document #C14

ceda Members can edit and issue this document for any SLAs they wish to set with their subcontractors.

Standard Document #C15

ceda Members can edit and issue this document when setting out the terms of non disclosure agreements for your company.

Standard Document #C16

We have prepared a ceda Equality and Diversity policy which we have based on a template prepared by ACAS. You may find it useful if you do not…

Standard Document #C17

The purpose of this policy is for Enter name of company (hereafter referred to as the company) to establish, promote and maintain the mental health…

Standard Document #C18

Insert company name (hereafter called the company) recognise the responsibility that we share with our suppliers, to buy materials and deliver our…

Standard Document #C19

In accordance with the Bribery Act 2010, bribery is defined as giving someone a financial or other advantage to induce them to perform their…

Standard Document #C20

Company name takes health and safety issues seriously and is committed to protecting the health and safety of its staff and all those affected by its…

Standard Document #C21

It is the aim of insert name of member (hereinafter referred to as the company) to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees,…

Standard Document #C22

In this policy ‘Whistleblowing’ means the reporting by employees of suspected misconduct, illegal acts or failure to act within Insert name of member…

Standard Document #C23

This document is intended to be used by members as a template to enable them to develop their own corporate social responsibility policy.

Standard Document C24 - Vesting Agreement

This document is to be completed and fully complied with by the Supplier requesting payment for off-site goods.

Standard Document #P01

This document should be read in conjunction with the Standard Document P2: Risk Assessment for Delivery and Installation of Catering Equipment.

Standard Document #P02

This document covers key risks that may be encountered when delivering and installing commercial catering equipment and should be read in conjunction…

Standard Documents #P03

All Risk Assessments issued by ceda as standard documents are not intended to provide a "one size fits all" solution but should be used as a template…

Standard Documents #P04

This document should be used in conjunction with the following Standard Document: Standard Document #P08: Project Handover Certificate

Standard Document #P05

ceda has prepared two standard documents for risk assessments for both Project design and Reactive breakdown, service and maintenance calls by…

Standard Document #P06

This document is part of a suite of documents developed to provide members with standards that members are encouraged to adopt with the ultimate…

Standards Document #P07

This document should be used in conjunction with the following Standard Document: Standard Document #P08: Project Handover Certificate

Standard Document #P08

This document should be read in conjunction with the following Standard Documents: Standard Document #P04 Defects List Standard Document #P07 Project…

Standard Document #P09

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology) is the world’s longest established method of assessing, rating, and…

Standard Document #P10

Equipment Commissioning Sheet  

Standard Document #P11

Suppliers of catering equipment are often required to provide fire protection systems and regularly have problems in ensuring that connections are…

Standard Document #P12

Point of Work Risk Assessment Delivery and Installation.

Standard Document #S01

All Risk Assessments issued by ceda as standard documents are not intended to provide a "one size fits all" solution but should be used as a template…

Standard Document #S02

This document only relates to the checking of equipment. The electrical installation should be checked and certified by a suitably qualified…

Standard Document #S03

This document provides a method statement for reactive attendance to diagnose and repair reported breakdown of commercial catering equipment.

Standard Document #S04

This document sets out a model planned preventative maintenance contract, including a section to schedule the servicing of equipment.

Standard Document #S05

This document consists of a risk assessment for reactive attendance to diagnose reported breakdown of commercial catering equipment.

Standard Document #S06

This document sets out terms and conditions for the maintenance and servicing of equipment.  

Standard Document #S07

This document provides a job description for a Service and Maintenance Engineer, responsible to a Service Manager. It can be edited to add or remove…

Standard Document #S08

This document consists of an inspection certificate for a commercial deep fat fryer, with an additional note regarding High Limit Override…

Standard Document #S09

This document sets out terms and conditions for maintenance and servicing.

Standard Document #S10

The training 'subjects' used in this template are given as examples. You should populate this to suit your company needs.

Standard Document #S11

The following document is intended to be used as a template for the format of discussing and recording an appraisal. Whilst it has been populated…

Standard Document #S12

This document is intended to provide a template for employers when recruiting Service and Installation Engineers.

Standard Document #S13

This document is an example of an SLA template for reference and it is based on Planned Preventative Maintenance contracts. Italic text indicates…

Standard Document #S14

If hot work activities are carried out regularly by your workers, you may want to consider designating an area of your workplace for welding,…

Standard Document #C26

Our sexual harassment policy aims to protect men and women in our company from unwanted sexual advances and give them guidelines to report incidents.…

Standard Document #C26

The highlighted areas indicate where you need to add your company details and then simply insert your logo in place of the ceda logo.

Standard Document #C25

This document is supplement to installation specification ceda Standard Document C06.

Standard Document #P16

The highlighted areas indicate where you need to add your company details and then simply insert your logo in place of the ceda logo.

Standard Document #P15

The highlighted areas indicate where you need to add your company details and then simply insert your logo in place of the ceda logo.

Standard Document #P13

The highlighted areas indicate where you need to add your company details and then simply insert your logo in place of the ceda logo.

Standard Document #P14

The highlighted areas indicate where you need to add your company details and then simply insert your logo in place of the ceda logo.

Standard Document #S22

This document contains the Engineers Induction Checklist.

Standard Document #S21

This document contains the List of Potential Hazards and Control Measures for a Catering Engineer

Standard Document #S18

This document contains the Refrigeration Log Sheet.

Standard Document #S19

This document contains the COVID 19 Risk Assessment Template for maintenance and repair of commercial catering equipment.

Standard Document #S20

This document contains the COVID 19 Risk Assessment Template for delivery and installation of commercial catering equipment.

Standard Document #S17

This document contains the Refrigeration Equipment Service Report.

Standard Document #S15

This document contains the Gas Safety Inspection Form.

HR Documents

HR Document #HR01

This mini-guide outlines the basics you need to consider in responding to the current Coronavirus COVID-19 situation. We look at this from two…

HR Document #HR02

To work with companies to ensure that a solid foundation of HR policies, processes and procedures which are clear, simple and effective in meeting…

HR Document #HR03

We have been asked a range of questions since Friday which we are keen to answer for our clients. We are doing so on the basis of the information…

HR Document #HR04

Dear [insert name], Following our discussion on [insert date], the company is having to take action in due to the current situation with COVID-19, in…

HR Document #HR05

More detailed guidance was published on 26th March – this is our summary for dealing with immediate employee issues.

HR Document #HR06

The following is a template of a letter that you can use to produce your own company document on your letterheads which should be issued each…

HR Document #HR07

Whilst businesses are adapting to the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the Government have announced a number of measures that have been put in…

HR Document #HR08

Dear [insert name], We are calling on Government to provide the foodservice equipment industry with immediate support until there is a recovery to…

HR Document #HR09

The Job Retention Scheme was initially in place until 31st May, so many employers planned within that time-frame in placing their employees on…

HR Document #HR10

Dear [insert name] I am writing to inform you that, due to [insert reason for extension], your period of furlough is to be extended. You will…

HR Document #HR11

Dear [insert name] I am writing to inform you that, due to [insert reason for bringing employee back], you will be required to resume work on your…

HR Document #HR12

Dear [insert name] I write further to our discussion on [insert date] during which we talked about implementing a further period of furlough.

HR Document #HR13

Dear [insert name] ...To this end, we require you to take [insert number] days/hour of annual leave each month during your furlough period and this…

HR Document #HR14

Dear [insert name] I refer to your request to take annual leave on [insert date(s)] which fall during your current period of furlough. On [insert…

HR Document #HR17

Dear [insert name] Although you have not previously been furloughed, we have identified a need to apply for wage assistance for your role. This is…

HR Document #HR15

Dear [insert name] As you may be aware, we have been receiving financial assistance from the Government to pay wages via the Coronavirus Job…

HR Document #HR16

Dear [insert name] Although you have not previously been furloughed, we have identified a need to apply for wage assistance for your role. This is…