2024 Member & Partner Day - Wed 12th


10:15am – Registration & Coffee

11:00am – Members & Partners Connected Session 1

12:40pm – LUNCH


1:35pm – Members & Partners Connected Session 2

3:30pm – Networking & Refreshments

3:45pm – Members & Partners Connected Session 3


7:30pm – The People Awards Dinners

2024 Business Day - Thurs 13th

9:15am – The ceda AGM

9:45am – Coffee Break

Morning Session

10:00am – Business Day Welcome – Kirstin Hatherley

10:05am – State of the Nation: New Perspectives for a Polarised Market – Peter Martin

10:30am – How ‘Contract Catering’ is Seeking a Sustainable Future – Mike Hanson, WSH

10:55am – Talking Public Sector Catering – Andrew Archer, Dewberry Redpoint

11:20am – Making Hospitality Investment Pay: The Opportunities for Growth - Robin Rowland, TriSpan

11:45am – We are here for you - Kris Hall, The Burnt Chef Project

12:00pm – LUNCH


1:00pm – Doing it Differently - Together - Juliane Caillouette Noble, The SRA

1:25pm – Savoring the Future: Innovations in F&B Design and Guest Experience - Maria Martinez-Conesa, Livit Design

2:00pm – The Operator Panel: The Spirit of Independence - William Robinson, Robinsons Brewery & Jocelyn Neve, Seafood Pub Co.

2:40pm - Food allergy now, in the future and how can it be solved? - Nadim & Tanya Laperouse, The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation

3:00pm – COFFEE

Final Session

3:30pm – The BIG Interview – Mark Derry, Heartwood Collection

4:00pm – Catering Insight Market Talk Live Panel: Trans-Atlantic Connections – Ben Keal (Sylvester Keal), Macauley Knight (Archer Catering Systems), Olivia Mei (CFESA) – with Andrew Seymour (Catering Insight)

4:30pm – CLOSING KEYNOTE – Tim Fitzhigham Returns

5:00pm – CLOSE

5.00pm - Happy Hour - drinks till 6pm – Sponsored by Maidaid

7.00pm - Drinks Reception

7.30pm - ceda Grand Prix Awards Dinner