
Outstanding Customer Service

C&C Catering Equipment Ltd

C&C Catering Equipment Ltd is proud to have completed works for the world-renowned organisation Meta (formerly Facebook) at three of its sites, concluding in 2021. As always, outstanding customer service was of the utmost importance and C&C was delighted to have this recognised for its works at Meta, which resulted in new business relationships, additional work, and exceptional testimonials.
It was particularly apparent that C&C Catering Equipment Ltd’s customer service was outstanding and appreciated when the lockdown was put in place in line with Covid-19 government restrictions. C&C’s Mark Roxburgh was deemed such a valuable asset by main contractors ISG that it was requested he stay on the first Meta project at Brock Street to continue delivering outstanding customer service.
An example of this customer service and Mark Roxburgh going above and beyond is the creation of stainless-steel planters that were required on site. Unfortunately, these could not be completed in time by Meta or ISG, so C&C stepped up to problem solve and ensure they were produced to a set of drawings in a time frame that supported the project. Additionally, customer service excellence was apparent on a day-to-day level through Mark Roxburgh’s commitment to monitor any service calls, should there be any issues that require his knowledge and input.
To provide outstanding customer service throughout the works at Meta, C&C also endeavoured to go above and beyond in its relationships. For example, C&C was delighted to create a positive relationship with a new consultant, which included offering support through the introductions to manufacturers. The consultant continues to be in contact and work with these manufacturers.
Additional work was also picked up on the back of the excellent customer service provided at the organisation’s subsequent project, Meta T. For C&C Catering Equipment Ltd, this additional work included a brand-new coffee bar and the business is proud to continue to work directly with the client when required. Additionally, C&C continue to be involved with the projects through the maintenance contract awarded. This is a testament to the relationships built on the back of customer service excellence.
Finally, C&C has gone above and beyond in its customer service by its involvement in the Cook for Good project, which has come as a result of the works at Meta, for which the global organisation is a corporate social partner. As a social enterprise that tackles food poverty and social isolation in inner-city areas, Cook for Good required support for the scheme and C&C was delighted to be involved as a construction partner by supplying a £250k job for approximately £50k with the support of the C&C supply chain.
C&C Catering Equipment Ltd has shown customer service excellence throughout its work at Meta. Whether through its commitment to the project during Covid-19 lockdown, its dedication to problem solving to ensure client satisfaction, its supportive relationship building, or its undertaking of additional work to the best of its ability, C&C is proud of the service it has provided to this distinguished client.