Exhibition MCR

£100k to <£250k

Vision Commercial Kitchens

This was a unique and challenging project with it being 1 location but effectively 4 separate clients – the operator and the 3 independent kitchens/restaurants. Vision were part of this project from the very beginning so this was a project which truly took on our expertise and knowledge from the very start of the planning process. The finished project is a fantastic space, which offers a unique venue in the busy city centre of Manchester and since opening has received excellent reviews. Our involvement within the project came about because of a previous project with the client, which already shows the client satisfaction that was achieved, now due to the service Vision provided at Exhibition MCR, we are already in discussions about a future project as the client was extremely pleased with the finished project.


“After working with Vision Commercial Kitchens on our first project Haunt in 2021, we were delighted that we would have the opportunity to work with the team again for our larger project Exhibition. This was a highly ambitious project for all concerned as it featured three individual kitchens, a prep kitchen and a large back of house station. The concept, which on paper, reads like a regular food hall, is far from it. Our desire was to create a high-end restaurant enterprise which could deliver quality food consistently. As such, we required a well-designed, aesthetically pleasing operation.

The project was managed really well from start to finish. The planning, design and execution was flawless considering how many other projects they were currently working on.

Perhaps most importantly were the high levels of communication, which as anyone in the industry knows, was vital in terms of equipment lead times exacerbated by numerous external factors. If certain items weren’t going to meet deadlines, replacements were quickly sourced to make sure we stayed on the critical path timeline.”

Sam Wheatley, Operations Manager, Grade A Alternative